What's Going On! Introductions


25 posts Member

Hey guys! 

My name is Andrew, and I love games!

My first console was a gamecube when I was around 6 years old, and since then, I've been hooked.

What was your first console? Do you still use it? I don't really use my Gamecube anymore

Replies (4)


    66 posts Moderator

    Hello Andrew and welcome to Hive Gamurs! I'm a PC gamer, don't own any consoles. What are some of your favourite video games, by the way? Anyway, hope you will enjoy your time on the forum.


    Joshua Farrell

    58 posts Administrator

    Welcome to the forum Andrew! Personally, been on the PC for years now, but I do enjoy playing the x-box and playstation on occasion.



    25 posts Member

    Kita, my favorite game of all time is Mafia 2. If you ever get the chance to check it out, please do. The story is unlike any other. I've played it probably 6 or 7 times!



    100 posts Member

    Hi Andrew!  Great to meet you on here!

    Atari was my first console.  LOL yeah- that was a long time ago!  

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