In-Game Transactions Gamur Lounge


394 posts Hive Gamurs Staff

It's divided quite a lot of people, some people say the game doesn't force you to buy things whilst others say that the developers ruin certain aspects of the game with it. It's a topic that has surrounded the latest NFS game quite a bit (you'll see when I have the review posted later). Have you ever bought in-game stuff like loot boxes?

Replies (13)


    58 posts Member

    I rarely spend money on in-game microtransactions. They can be a way to advance quickly in a game and sometimes get an edge, but the only way I really get upset by them is if they give the people buying them a huge advantage over those who don't. 

    For example, Siege offers the possibility of a lot of microtransactions, but you can also unlock most times just by playing the game a lot, so they don't really bother me.



    33 posts Member

    I have some purchases in games, but before i purchase i always play them first for a long time so that i can see if the game is progressing in terms of features. If the game still entices me then i think it's safe to purchase because i would be playing it for a long time. 



    60 posts Member

    I don't mind it, as some games are made by only a single developer, but then again I am also against it if it's like a pay to win thing. Cosmetics are fine, DLCs are fine, some minor things that don't affect the game are fine, but if you can get leveled up and destroy everyone just because you paid for it, I hate that.

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