Patch Notes 1.05 News And Annoucements


394 posts Hive Gamurs Staff

Now, this is what we call a massive patch. Hope you guys like it and if you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to share

  1. Quotes - You've been asking and it's finally here. We now have a quote system. I still have a few things to refine but it should work perfectly for you guys. You will also receive alerts when someone quotes you.
  2. Forum Cosmetics - Few cosmetic changes related to the forum thread page.
  3. Last Post - Clicking on a thread from the forum will now take you to the last post of that thread. Same happens for any threads on the Recent Posts sidebar.
  4. Forum Stats - The forum statistics were a bit off but should now be fixed.
  5. Forum Image Size - Images posted on the forum have been reduced further to ensure users have a better browsing experience.
  6. Forum Post Spaces - An issue where extra spaces would be sometimes added to posts has been fixed.
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