How do You Break up Your Gaming Sessions? Gamur Lounge


58 posts Member

Sometimes you need to break up those marathon gaming sessions. Sitting for too long can be very bad for your body. Do you bother to do so, and if so, what do you like to do to break it up?

Sometimes if I am playing a FPS and I die, I will take a quick break by getting up and doing some push-ups or sit-ups. It is a great way to build a little physical activity into an activity which is otherwise very sedentary. 

Replies (13)


    9 posts Member

    Gaming is a big addiction. There are times when it is difficult to monitor control. There were days when all I did the whole day long is to sit, either in front of my laptop or gaming console. As a matter of fact my head felt very heavy by the end of the day. Hence I decided to limit my gaming time. Now I always play games with intermittent breaks in between.



    157 posts Member

    12 hours can feel like 1-2 hours. The best way is to always keep track of time - especially if you have other things to do. Pace yourself. I like to reward myself with a break before I start my homework. It works, not all the time, but some times.



    394 posts Hive Gamurs Staff

    I don't play for that long anymore anyway so I don't really have to worry about breaking up my gaming session. The longest gaming session that I have played recently was around 2 hours so its not too bad.


    Sir Twisted

    249 posts Member

    I usually do some gaming, work on my site and watch movies. Quite like a cycle.



    216 posts Member

    play for an good three years everyday is good enough lol

    well that all the time I get. But seen people play like over 5 hours or so each day! crazy



    173 posts Member

    I usually game for two hours, maximum and then take half hour break. I go for a walk with my dogs and get some fresh air. It's important to have breaks but sometimes times go quickly while I'm gaming.



    33 posts Member
    I usually plan my gaming time just to make sure that my other activities are done accordingly. I usually allocate three hours of gaming time per day, it may be intermittent or continues depending on the game and the schedule. Its a good way for me to have fun yet productive.


    100 posts Member

    Get up and grab a snack.  Use the bathroom and then it is usually back to the game. 



    60 posts Member

    Usually I go to make some food or go for a walk or depending on the day I go to practice (basketball). But yeah most of the time I don't take breaks when I should, it's something I am working on.



    100 posts Member

    LOL Shole it is easy to not take a break.  Been there done that many times.  I am one of these people that get zoned in and then have a hard time getting zoned out. 

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