Hive Gamurs Acquisition News And Annoucements


50 posts Owner

Hello fellow users of Hive Gamurs! 

You may have read DarthHazard's previous announcement and letter to the community which explained he was leaving Hive Gamurs with the possible shutdown of the site. I am pleased to announce that neither of these is happening.

I have made the acquisition of Hive Gamurs and wish to see it remain open. This will ensure that I oversee the expansion and growth of the site from here on out. I hope to see the site flourish in due time. Although there is a lot of work to be done, I hope everyone can welcome this change.

The website will continue to grow based on DarthHazard's original vision. I still plan on getting the future features of the roadmap implemented as well as strengthen the current platform.

I'm also grateful for DarthHazard in agreeing in staying with the community and platform he founded. He will stay on as a Lead Developer for the site to ensure the best possible outcome for new features that get developed.

Regarding the rest of the staff, I will personally contact all of you in the coming days to see if you are still interested in taking part in this wonderful project.

As for the site, I have already started working on it and updating some files. I do not wish to change anything major at this point in time, as I would like an easy transition for our members. However, as time comes, I do hope to develop some interesting new things for the site!

I will be opening a new thread in the feedback section to gather some user inputs and ideas for the site. So stay tuned on that.

With all that said, best of wishes to everyone, and I hope to see you all around!

Replies (10)


    1 post Member
    Congrats on the acquisition! This is already an awesome platform, so I can't wait to see where it goes.


    31 posts Member

    Well then lets hope we stay alive



    157 posts Member

    Glad to see this is going - I stopped posting because I thought the site was going to be shut down.

    I will gladly stay apart of this forum, I love how the community has grown.




    64 posts Hive Gamurs Staff

    Great! I'll be glad to stay. Lemme know if you need help with anything.



    113 posts Member

    Glad to be a part of yet another one of your forums



    18 posts Member

    Oh good. I see this site booming with high potential, i'd hate to see it all built up and than taken down



    31 posts Member

    Wow, so much can happen in so little time. I had no idea this happened at all. :o
    Sounds like you got a nice resolution and are working as a team, so I hope everything goes really well for HiveGamurs.



    10 posts Member

    Hello Hive Gamurs...I'm just new here.. more power..I'm interested for new things for the site.



    6 posts Member

    That’s good news! I hope that you’ll manage to continue this site and be active as you can because I’m starting to love this site even though I just got registered a while ago. Good luck! 



    6 posts Member

    That’s good news! I hope that you’ll manage to continue this site and be active as you can because I’m starting to love this site even though I just got registered a while ago. Good luck! 

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