Buying used games Gamur Lounge


394 posts Hive Gamurs Staff

For me, I always have to get new things. I used to buy used games here and there when I had my Xbox 360 but that was mainly because by the time I got it there was no point paying full price for games that I liked. But now, I tend to get games at launch so I don't buy used games anymore.

Replies (13)

    Sir Twisted

    249 posts Member

    I don't tend to buy used games all that often, usually when I do it is for the purpose of regaining that game as I used to enjoy playing it when I was younger.



    38 posts Member

    It's not very often that I buy used.  I normally buy new because I don't want to take the chance that I get a game home and it not work for some reason.  I want to spend time playing the game and not waste my money on games that don't work.



    2 posts Member

    Used games are never really something I pursue now. I prefer having it new.  I used to purchase used games before and even traded in, but I no longer do that. I prefer keeping my games too. 
    The price for when you return games was nonsensical anyway. 

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